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 Question: I have been harming myself because of my own problems. There are guys who want to be in relation with me but I am confused as to what should I do?  

Dear Teentalker,

Thank you for reaching out and sharing your concerns.

Balancing out relationship with your academics can be really hard. It can get really confusing when a lot of boys are interested in you. It can be flattering and stressful at the same time. As there are so many things going on in your life and with all that has been happening, you want all of this to get over and want all of that pain to come to an end. We as students and teens start to blame ourselves for situations which aren’t in our control

However, cutting yourself in anger and finding ways to harm yourself is not the solution to the problem. It will help you release your pent-up anger, but then you’re experiencing a lot of physical pain in the process. Self harm is a way to handle emotional distress. One generally starts doing self harm when the small suppressed feelings have become huge and the person is not able to control them.

Ways to avoid Self Harm:

  • To avoid Self Harm, consider joining a fitness routine like a gym or zumba session. This will help to release all the anger and make sure you don’t unnecessarily hurt yourself.
  • Write a letter and express your thoughts, feelings that make you to cause Self Harm.Ensure you don’t send it to anyone rather, tear it and throw it in a dustbin.
  • A good technique to avoid Self Harm is the empty-chair technique. In this you can place an empty chair in front of you and imagine the person who is making your life difficult seating on it. Then say, all that you have to, and make sure you have some privacy while working on this activity.
  • In anxious situations which can make one to do self harm, try breathing exercise as it may help too bring you anxiety down.
  • One can also listen to music and go for a walk in order to distract themselves from thought of Self Harm.
  • One can also try using tools like “Your Safety Kit” and “Who can You Talk to?”

You can also reach out to our counsellors and seek guidance by clicking on Chat With Us.