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Every person has emotions. They’re part of being human. But too often, we’re in a struggle against our own feelings – trying to suppress or ignore them only makes it worse. Hence the only way to loosen the strong grip of negative emotions on you is to Feel Release and Replace

Emotions serve a purpose which is to be a kind of feedback. They are always communicating. Emotions are the language of the subconscious. Thought leads to emotions. Some of the most common unpleasant emotions which we all experience are fear, anxiety and stress. We have every right to feel every emotion that surfaces within us even if its

In the moment, distressing emotions may seem impossible to overcome. However,
over time, these emotions will lessen in intensity, and eventually fade away

Use “ACCEPTS” a quick method to gain mastery over our emotions:

1) Activities- Do an activity that requires thought and concentration- Read a book, Write in a journal, Do a work project or school assignment, Play a sport, play a musical instrument

2) Contributing- Do something that allows you to focus on another person, ask a friend about their day, Make a gift for a loved one., volunteer- Send a thoughtful card, comparison. Put your situation in perspective by comparing it to something more painful or distressing.

3) Comparisons: Put your situation in perspective by comparing it to something more painful or distressing. Think of a time when you were in more distress and realize how things are not as bad right now. Realize how resilient you are by thinking of someone who is coping less well than you are.

4) Emotions- Do something to create a new emotion that will compete with your distressing emotion.Sad? Watch a happy movie.. Anxious? Practice deep breathing. Angry? Go for a walk.

5) Pushing away- Let go of a painful situation or block it from your mind using a technique such as visual imagery. Close your eyes, revisit a calm and happy space, tune in with your senses

6) Thoughts- Shift your thoughts to something neutral.. Count a specific object around you (e.g. bricks, trees…) Sing a song out loud or recite it in your head.

7) Sensations- Find safe physical sensations to distract you from distressing emotions. Hold an ice cube in your hand, Eat something sour or spicy.Take a cold shower.

Every person has emotions. They’re part of being human. But too often, we’re in a struggle against our own feelings – trying to suppress or ignore them only makes it worse. Hence the only way to loosen the strong grip of negative emotions on you is to Feel Release and Replace