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Just as people remember their first love, their first kiss, most of us also remember majorly all details about our first ‘crush’

The sweaty palms, racing heartbeat or even the butterflies in the stomach, they are all symptoms when we have a crush on someone.  The moment we see our crush coming towards us, or when our friends tease us or when you and your crush is sitting on the same bench, we feel a mix of all of these feelings. However, unfortunately, ‘crush’ is what it actually is as it is very easy to feel crushed emotionally if you find that s/he doesn’t return your affections. And therefore, here are we with a few useful tips for moving on and moving up to your someone special.

What is a crush?

Unlike a relationship, a crush is not a two-way street. You may feel strong affection for someone you hardly know, for reasons you don’t even understand and this is what crush is.

Signs of a solid crush

  • You want to near your crush all the time, even you don’t know his/her name
  • You want to know almost everything about your crush and look for clues that prove you both are made for each other
  • You would change your schedules or habits to coincide with those of your crush
  • You feel embarrassed when s/he pays attention to you
  • You react nervously when your crush is physically close to you
  • You obsess for hours about a hypothetical future with your crush

Dealing with it

This is not something easy, rather it is hard work. When you have a crush on somebody everything becomes difficult, from eating to sleeping. Also, it becomes extremely difficult to concentrate on anything, especially studies. Therefore, to ensure that your life doesn’t fall apart while you have a crush on anyone, here are few guidelines:

  • Inform your friends of your crush and ask them to distract you
  • Focus extra on schoolwork
  • Take a hobby or anything that you were planning to do for a long time
  • It’s okay t fantasize at times, but don’t let that disturb your real life

Having a crush can be both magical and pain at the same time. Just let yourself enjoy the frivolity of it without letting your feelings overtake your common sense. Never risk your safety and reputation just to get in order to get your crush’s attention. In short, ride the entire out and let it die its natural death while maintaining your sanity.