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Creative thinking is an essential skill for teens.

As you get older, it can seem like the world is full of information and experiences that you’ve already had. But there’s always more out there, and it’s important to be open to new ideas.

Of course, being creative doesn’t mean you have to come up with something totally original—in fact, most creative thinking happens when you’re looking at familiar ideas in a new way. For example, if you’re trying to come up with a great idea for a school project, brainstorming with your friends is a great way to get started! You might start by asking each other questions like: What are all the things that we know about this topic? How can we find more information about them? What do we want to learn from this?

We all know that the best way to develop creative thinking is by practicing it. But what if there was a way to practice your creative thinking without even having to think about it?

Creative thinking is a skill that can help you develop your imaginations, solve-problems, and make you think outside the box.

Here are some ways to encourage creative thinking?

1) Give lots of opportunities to be creative:

– Give a chance to draw or paint something you have been thinking about.

– Pick out new furniture for your home.

2) Set up an environment where you feel safe to express yourself freely:

– Have fun with a game of charades or charlie horses to see how well you can hide your ideas behind a mask. 

3) Share your thoughts and ideas with other people: 

– Invite family members over for dinner and ask each person to give an example of something they’ve been doing lately that requires logic, strategy, or creativity based on what they’ve learned from someone else.